Personal MBA

So I came across this interesting idea – a 42-book syllabus to improve one’s knowledge about business and improve one’s effectiveness at work, like getting an MBA is supposed to. As the manifesto clearly states, it’s not a substitute for the MBA one’d get at a business school, but investing in the syllabus would mean learning about business at a relatively low cost.

I already have some of the books in the syllabus, and some of the others cover topics I’ve been wanting to read about for a long time, so I am very intrigued. Also, I’ve always thought graduate school was a definite further down the road for me. This looks like a good way to clarify my thinking on graduate school…

Author: lichone

Ethics by Enid Blyton; physique by deep-fried things. I think we all have an instinct to tell stories and to build things and relationships,

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